Legal Notice

Motorcade Alliance, S.L.

Cale Industria, Nº 5, 2º 12

41927 Mairena del Aljarafe (Sevilla)


Identification of Motorcade Alliance, SL

Motorcade Alliance SL, is a Spanish company with address at calle Industria Nº5, 2º 12, 41927 Mairena del Aljarafe (Sevilla), whose contact email is and whose telephone number is +44 2035751115.

Motorcade Alliance is the owner or licensee of all intellectual property rights or of any other type on the website (hereinafter, the " Website ").

The information contained in this Website refers to services related to the luxury transportation sector. The information contained on this Website is only for illustrative and merely informative purposes, and in no way constitutes a binding offer that obliges the User and the Motorcade Alliance to contract. In particular, and to the corresponded effects, it is stated that the information contained in this Website does not constitute an offer of sale.

The Terms and Conditions regulate the access and use of the Website by customers in accordance with these Terms and Conditions (hereinafter, the "Users ") and will be supplemented by any other legal texts that regulate any functionality, service, process, application, platform or means necessary for the use of the Website or included in it.

By accessing this Website, the User accepts the Terms and Conditions and declares and guarantees that the applicable legislation and regulation allow access to the Website, which will use any information obtained on the Website in accordance with the applicable legislation with respect to third parties, including customers.


This Website is intended for customers who would like to contract the services provided by Motorcade Alliance (the "Users ").

Object and scope

The purpose of this Website is to offer its Users a service that allows them to contract (i) exclusive transportation services of car rental with driver through quotation forms in their platform; (ii) services directed to government entities; (iii) a service that allows customers to access a VIP platform formed by an International Alliance of Luxury Transport Companies (the " Services ").

The use of the Website requires the prior acceptance and compliance with these Terms and Conditions. The access to the Website and its acceptance supposes, also, that the Users accept that the said information shall be applied to all subsequent access to this Website by them and that said subsequent accesses are subject to the waivers, warnings about risks and other information here included


The use of the Website and the contracting of the Services through it will require a prior registration by the User. For this purpose, the User will have to:
  • Choose a password and provide the registration information requested in a truthful and current way;
  • Maintain the confidentiality of the password, for which it is committed both to select a password that is not easily deductible and to preserve it from the knowledge of third parties (avoiding, for example and without limitation, communicating it directly to third parties, writing down their credentials in notebooks, etc. ); and,
  • Keep the data provided to Motorcade Alliance updated at all times, and promptly notify the Motorcade Alliance of the changes that occur in the information provided.

Motorcade Alliance implements reasonably adequate security measures to protect the Website and its navigation and use. However, the User acknowledges and accepts that security measures on the Internet are not infallible, so it cannot guarantee the absence of viruses or any other type of threat or malware.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

All intellectual and industrial property rights over the information, texts, data, graphics, designs, software, trademarks and other contents of the Website are the property of Motorcade Alliance and / or its licensors. Therefore, its use, reproduction, transmission, transformation, modification, distribution, publication, or exploitation in any way by the User is prohibited, except as part of the Website service in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and exclusively for private purposes, as well as its use for public or commercial purposes (either total or partial) without the prior written authorization of Motorcade Alliance.

The User acknowledges and accepts that the use of the Website does not imply the transmission of any intellectual or industrial property rights, such as copyrights, trademarks, domain names, designs, patents, utility models, know how or other rights over the website; nor does it constitute any authorization for the creation of developments derived from the Website, except for the limited use license granted to the final Users of the Website in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

Motorcade Alliance grants the User a limited right to use the Website, subject to the acceptance of the Terms and Conditions in their entirety, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and free of charge, on the data that are not of a personal nature, especially the technical data , or those data whose personal reference has been deleted (anonymous).

In this sense, the downloading or printing of individual pages and / or sub-sections of the website is allowed as long as the symbols of the copyright or other property rights are kept intact. Even if you download or duplicate the software or other information on the website in any other way, Motorcade Alliance will retain ownership rights.

At any time and for any reason, Motorcade Alliance may terminate the User's right to use all or any part of the Website. You can not infringe or attempt to infringe the security of the Website.

Service and warranty disclaimer of Motorcade Alliance

Motorcade Alliance shall take all reasonable measures to ensure the proper functioning of the Website. However, Motorcade Alliance cannot ensure the availability of the Website or the absence of interruptions of the Service in order to perform repair tasks, and / or maintenance of the Website or lack of coverage or equipment failures and / or the necessary networks for the transmission of data, which are beyond its control. The Motorcade Alliance will take the appropriate measures to reduce such interruptions.

Although Motorcade Alliance shall take all reasonably measures to ensure that the information contained on the Website is accurate, correct and up-to-date, it should be considered that such information is only illustrative and, therefore, shall have as its sole objective to constitute an illustrative element to provide general data regarding the offered Services. In this sense, Motorcade Alliance does not guarantee the suitability, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of this information and does not accept any liability arising therefrom.

Likewise, Motorcade Alliance reserves the right to correct, improve or modify the Website, when convenient and without notice, as well as to suspend its access to carry out maintenance or improvement actions, not being responsible for the accuracy, insufficiency or authenticity of the information provided.


Services provided and Motorcade Alliance warranty
  • The Website is presented as it is and Motorcade Alliance does not guarantee that the Services will be carried out without interruption and without errors, nor guarantee the results obtained from the use of the Service.
  • Motorcade Alliance provides the Service without warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, among others, guarantees of ownership or implied warranties of satisfactory quality or suitability for a specific purpose or of any other kind, except those implied warranties and those that not may be excluded, restricted or modified by virtue of the applicable legislation. Motorcade Alliance, in any way, shall be responsible for the Services or information provided, including, without limitation, any responsibility or damage caused to the environment, background, introduction of commercial and fundamental data of the User and resulting from the information, or lack of information facilitated through this environment. In this sense, all conditions, warranties or statements that are not expressly indicated in these Terms and Conditions are excluded as permitted by law.
  • The Website does not control, in general, the use that Users make of the Website. In particular, Motorcade Alliance does not guarantee under any circumstances that Users can make use of the Website in accordance with the law, these Terms and Conditions, morality, generally accepted good practices and public order, nor that they do so diligently and cautious .Consequently, Motorcade Alliance is not responsible for the use that the User makes of the content of the Website that may involve a violation of any type of national or international standard, the rights of intellectual or industrial property or any other rights of third parties.
User Warranties
  • The User makes use of the Website at his own risk. By accessing the Website, the User undertakes to use it in accordance with the applicable legislation and regulations and to accept the additional conditions described in these Terms and Conditions. The User shall be solely responsible to Motorcade Alliance and / or third parties for any loss or damage that may be caused as a result of breach of this obligation. In this sense, Motorcade Alliance is not responsible for any damage or alteration in the User's equipment as a result of the use of the Website and is exempt from any responsibility in this regard.
  • In any case, the User will be fully responsible for the data or contents that transmits or communicates to Motorcade Alliance. Motorcade Alliance does not control or supervise any of the aforementioned contents, unless this is established by the competent court or an administrative decision, reserving the right to eliminate them or prevent their display until the ownership of the material in question or the legality thereof is proven.
  • The User is responsible for ensuring that their computer system has all the technical specifications necessary to use the We b Site .Likewise, it understands that neither Motorcade Alliance nor its service providers guarantee or are held responsible for possible security errors that may occur for possible damages that may be caused to the User's system (hardware and software) and / or files or documents stored therein, as a consequence of the presence of viruses in the User's systems that has been used for the connection to the Services and contents on the Website, for a malfunction of the Internet, for breakdowns, interferences, omissions or disconnections in the operation of the Website motivated by causes beyond the Motorcade Alliance.
Linked sites

  • This Website may contain links to other websites and incorporate information and / or services obtained from third parties, in order to facilitate the User's access to information from collaborating or sponsoring companies. The User understands that these other websites are independent of the Website and that Motorcade Alliance does not exercise any control over them, that is not responsible for their content, operation or transmission received from such third parties and that shall not assume any responsibility for any loss or damage in relation to the use or reliance on the content, goods or services available on or through said site or resource. Motorcade Alliance offers the User such links and information and / or services solely for the User's convenience, being the responsibility of the User to read and accept the terms of use and privacy policies and cookies published on the websites or related linked applications.
  • Likewise, Motorcade Alliance cannot control the information, contents, products or services provided by third parties that have established links to this Website. Consequently, Motorcade Alliance does not assume any type of responsibility that may arise from them, nor about the accuracy, insufficiency or authenticity of the information provided by any person or entity, physical or legal, through such links.
  • The Website may contain advertising content or offers, being the advertisers or bidders solely responsible for ensuring that the material submitted for inclusion in the Website complies with the laws that may be applicable in each case. Motorcade Alliance will not be responsible for any error, inaccuracy or irregularity that may contain such content. In any case, to interpose any claim related to the advertising content inserted in the Web Site, you can contact:

Modifications to the Terms and Conditions and scope of the Services

Motorcade Alliance reserves the right to modify or update these Terms and Conditions at any time, when it deems convenient and without notice, not being responsible for the accuracy, insufficiency or authenticity of the information provided .Motorcade Alliance will publish on the Website the new version of the Terms and Conditions each when it changes. The User will be informed, once they access the Website again, about any change in the Terms and Conditions. The use of the Website and / or the use of the Services offered through it by the User once the Terms and Conditions have been modified, shall mean the acceptance of said User of the Terms and Conditions modified.

Motorcade Alliance reserves the right to extend, reduce or modify the package of services offered to the User through the Website and its scope, or to change its functions at any time. For the use of the Website, the User must expressly accept the Terms and Conditions in force at all times.

Access to the Services offered by the Website and its use is free of charge for Users, except in the case of additional functionalities. Motorcade Alliance is not responsible for the costs derived from the communication and sending of data or Internet connection incurred by the User.

The invalidity of any of the sections of this Legal Notice and General Conditions of Use and Contracting does not imply the invalidity of all or the rest of them.

Incorrect use

The User undertakes not to misuse the Website, nor to use or distribute information through it to:

  • Activities contrary to the Law in force, to the present conditions, morality, good customs or public order, or to illegal, prohibited or harmful purposes of rights and interests of Motorcade Alliance or third parties. In particular, copyright, domain names or trademarks, copyright, as well as rights of privacy and protection of personal data.
  • Use the Website, or any of its sections, in other private or commercial websites, as well as make commercial use of the Website; or establish hyperlinks to the Website or any of its contents (unless expressly written authorisation by Motorcade Alliance).
  • Alter, copy, modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, license, lease, sell or imitate the Website or its contents, in accordance with the stipulations of the Terms and Conditions.
  • Transmit a virus or other harmful component that damages, limits or damages the Website any network connected or that interferes with the use and enjoyment of the Website by other Users.

Notification of possible infractions

Motorcade Alliance reserves the right to block access to certain Website Services to any User in case it violates these Terms and Conditions, the rights of third parties or the applicable legislation and, in particular, the commitments stipulated in this clause. Motorcade Alliance will keep all other additional rights that may correspond to the User, especially those relating to the initiation of criminal or civil proceedings.

Data Protection

Motorcade Alliance is committed to protecting the personal data of its Users and, therefore, will only use them in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy.

Cookies policy and similar technology

This Website uses cookies to manage the authentication, navigation and other functions of the Website. By using our Website, the User accepts that we install this type of cookies on their device. The Users will find information in relation to the use of their own cookies and of third parties in the provision of the Services in the Cookies Policy of the Website.

General Provisions:

Unless otherwise provided, all opinions expressed on the Website correspond to Motorcade Alliance. These opinions should not be understood as a recommendation or as an indication.

These Terms and Conditions are governed by Spanish law.

Any dispute that may arise from the use of the Website or the Terms and Conditions, will be submitted to the competent courts of the city of Seville , and, in the case that it is a User acting in its capacity as a consumer, to the court that corresponds to the User / consumer's residence.

The User, in case of acting as a consumer, may also submit any dispute arising from or related to these Terms of Use to an alternative dispute resolution procedure ("ADR"). The list of ADR platforms available from the European Commission can be found at the following link: .

If any provision or condition of these Terms and Conditions becomes or is declared illegal, invalid or unenforceable, for any reason, said condition or provision shall be deemed eliminated without prejudice to the applicability of the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

International Motorcade Alliance

International Motorcade Alliance

International Motorcade Alliance

Improve your procedures and position your company in the GITT sector (Governmental and Institutional Travel and Tourism)