Regardless of the scope in which a governmental and institutional travel takes place, the client’s figure is the entity around which a multitude of essential aspects revolve such as protocol, which drives the code of conduct and courtesy to be taken into account on each situation.
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A GITT client, by its characteristic nature, entail a number of security measures with the objective of guaranteeing his physical integrity in every possible way.
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When it comes to organising and carrying out a governmental and institutional travel, accommodation is a vital aspect.
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Governments and high institutions organize their travels systematically either through internal Travel Units (centralized or by department) or through Travel Agencies. In many countries those agencies are chosen by means of a public tender.
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Due to its very nature, it has been necessary to define and standardize the concept of Governmental and Institutional Tourism (GITT), understood as all those travels and activities that Governmental and High Institutions representatives undertake on official and protocol missions and in all those representation actions of their respective countries in the exercise of their functions.
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